Major Sponsor:
Big River Roofing
We are extremely grateful for Big River Roofing. We take pride in being sponsored by them and their unwavering support helps us achieve our goals.

We're on the lookout for sponsors to help our participants continue their journey at The Wolfpack!
Sponsors are an integral part of many sporting associations, and at Wodonga Basketball, we greatly appreciate the support of our sponsors!
By partnering with us, you'll not only support our participants but also gain visibility among our dedicated community.
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please click on the photo to the right to view our 2024 Sponsorship Proposal Package, or email us an email at wodongabasketball@gmail.com to discuss further.
Child Safety
WBA is committed to providing a Child-Safe Association in accordance with the 11 standards set by Government regulatory frameworks. We have adopted Basketball Victoria's Child Safeguarding Policies and Code of Conduct. For more details, please visit here, and contact our Child Welfare Officer, Mathew Bramich.

Aussie Hoops is Basketball Australia’s official introductory program, providing a fun and inclusive Basketball experience for 5-9 year olds that serves as an introduction to a lifetime of involvement in the game. Click here to register your child.
Play HQ is the site where you register for all junior and senior basketball competitions, view team lists, fixtures and ladders.
Basketball Victoria is our governing body that provides all guidelines and run state-wide competitions.